The old flame left
A new hope came
Still couldn't help this bereft
Stuck on you, old flame
I pushed new hope away
I maybe am an ingrate
Another road I deny
Eating myself up with hate
Peek at myself in the river.
Say I ain't wrong
Seek solace until it's over
Since flying is the prong
Fading fire now gone
I seek a different light
Roughly relating the old one
Waiting amidst the dark night.
- M
A new hope came
Still couldn't help this bereft
Stuck on you, old flame
I pushed new hope away
I maybe am an ingrate
Another road I deny
Eating myself up with hate
Peek at myself in the river.
Say I ain't wrong
Seek solace until it's over
Since flying is the prong
Fading fire now gone
I seek a different light
Roughly relating the old one
Waiting amidst the dark night.
- M
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