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Showing posts from May, 2013


The old flame left A new hope came Still couldn't help this bereft Stuck on you, old flame I pushed new hope away I maybe am an ingrate Another road I deny Eating myself up with hate Peek at myself in the river. Say I ain't wrong Seek solace until it's over Since flying is the prong Fading fire now gone I seek a different light Roughly relating the old one Waiting amidst the dark night.  - M

Out Of Reach

Moonrise, I gaze at you before me, too far but you seem so close... Twilight, you shine like you're the only one that lights up my world... You fill up the darkness so I could see the beauty around me... Your shadow draws through me like it is intended that way... Yet I know you aren't shining only for me, I'm really dreaming... As you start to go higher, you become too far to reach, worlds apart... And I am left alone in the darkness yearning for you to come back... But even if I could turn back time, still, I can't hold on to you for good... You have a life to live, a mission to fulfill and I am out of the picture... All that I get to do is treasure those times I get near you and keep it... - M